
Getting Held Up by a Police Man

Andrew and I got home from CANCUN on Saturday. It was a great week but it went by much too quickly. I could get used to my only decisions being swimming in the pool or the ocean and do I want a pina-colada or a strawberry daiquiri? I need to post a few fun pictures but I could not get them to work in the wee hours of Saturday night and have not tried again. For today, I will share a funny story to ease the blow of this Monday. (By the way. . . . watched the Office season finale last night and LOVED it. Kevin kills me.) So back to the story. . . on Thursday Eric and Keri (Andrew's boss and his wife who is also Andrew's cousin :)) decided to rent a car and drive out to Chichen Itza and asked if we wanted to come. Andrew and I thought that it would be fun. We took the old highway instead of paying to use the toll road and that was an adventure. It took us forever to get there but going through all of the small towns was interesting to see. I imagine that it will be very similar to what will be awaiting Eric when he gets to Ecuador in August. Cynder block houses with no door or windows and hammocks for beds. We saw two small cemeteries and unfortunately we did not stop. Mom you would have died. The ruins were incredible and worth it. Well on the way home we decided that the toll road would be well worth it since it was so late in the day. To get back to our hotel we had to go through the actual city of Cancun and just on the outskirts a police man on a motorcycle pulled us over. According to him we were going about 20 over the speed limit and the ticket would be around $100.00. He was going to take Eric's license and then we could go pick it up at a building on Tulum Avenue the next day and pay the ticket. When we started asking for documentation or an actual address he decided to throw us a bone.... He told us that if we wanted we could give him a tip that was just between he and us and then there would be no ticket. My mouth at this point is on the floor of the car. When Eric asked how much he expected he told him that was up to him. Eric gave him and $20.00 bill and he slid it under his little clipboard and we were on our way. I wanted so badly to take a picture but I was a bit afraid. Yeah we were held up by a cop. Way to be honest.


Texas Boy + SLC Girl said...

Oh my!!! you need to hear my Mom's story from Tijuana! (sp)- It is kinda the same but a little crazier... that is so NUTS!!! All they want is $$$

CHAR said...

I can't wait to hear more about your trip.

Cherie said...

Ha! That is crazy...good to know those Mexican cops didn't let you down.

dockters said...

This same thing happened to my father-in-law in Cancun in December...no joke!! Crazy!

How fun that you got to go get some sun and have a nice break!!