
My List of Things that Must Go.

I enjoy listening to the Radio from Hell show on X96 on my way to work every morning. I owe my mom a big thanks for all the mornings of driving carpool in junior high for the blessed exposure. Anyway, they often make a list of things that must go. Well after the week that I have had I decided that a list of things that must go would help me vent. So here goes. . . .

1. People who don't wear their shoes around the office. I may be hyper sensitive since I have a heightened hatred for feet but yuck. Grow up.
2. People who come into your office ranting that the copier just suddenly stopped and then sit back and watch as you fix it by loading it with paper.
3. Spinning teachers who think that all you can listen to while working out is techno.
4. People in motorized shopping carts who suddenly realize they just passed what they wanted and throw the cart in reverse (beeping noise and all) and nearly run you right over without noticing... Yeah same lady almost hit me twice. Serenity now.

It is weeks like this last one that bring out in me my Grandpa Clark's colorful vocabulary. The good thing is that there is hope that next week will be better.


Cherie said...

That's my girl! Can I add?....Women who come in and buy a 500 lb entertainment center with one guy to move it. Women who want you WITH THEM during the entire time they're in the store. People who knock on the shops door when it's locked and all the lights are out. And finally people who argue with me about the pronunciation of my name!!!

Anonymous said...

"you don't like sherry?"


"I like people to pronounce my name in french too."

Ingelheim Five said...

Wow, that anonymous comment could have come right out of our emails...

It's not that I don't like Sherry, it's that Sherry is NOT MY FREAKIN' NAME!!!

Texas Boy + SLC Girl said...

That is so great! I think I need to make one of these lists too!

Courtney said...

I love the reminder of Grandpa Clark's vocabulary....it needs to be followed up with an, "Oh Eldy, not in front of the children!"